Friday, February 18, 2005

The Aviator

Martin Scorsese is incapable of making a bad film. He's a filmmaking robot. He's the more artistic model of the Spielberg model robot filmmaker. I can see your looking at me funny, patiently waiting for me to make some version of a point, so I'll try. I finally got to see "The Aviator" today, Scosese's newest opus and maybe his most mainstream. Don't let that mainstream thing fool you though, because Scorsese is still in the business of making great films, and while his newest is no "Taxi Driver" or "Raging Bull" it certainly is another in the long line of great films. "The Aviator" is a biopic about the life of tycoon/ filmmaker/ aviator/ playboy Howard Hughes, played very convincingly by Leonardo DiCaprio. This should be the film that makes DiCaprio a legit leading man and not just the cute guy from "Titanic". In some other years this performance would have been good enough to win an Oscar, but thanks to Jamie Foxx he will just have to make do with a nomination. The cast aside from DiCaprio is absolutely loaded with big time acting talent. Scorsese can definitely bring together a cast. Cate Blanchett, Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, John C. Reilly and Gwen Stefani round out the star studded cast, all giving solid if not spectacular performances. Blanchett is a standout as Katherine Hepburn, and very deserving of all the positive press she is getting. The cinematography and art design also standout in making the film look like a technicolor film from the 40's. The flying scenes are equally spectacular and may very well be the best aviation scenes ever put on film, which I am sure would have made Howard Hughes proud. Hughes is an extremely interesting person and this film does him justice, it is a bit long at a little over 2 and a half hours, but well worth the ride.

It seems all my reviews on here are positive, I promise to get some bad reviews on here soon. Now that the Oscar-bait films are past us and we move in the dead season before the summer I am sure plenty of bad films lay ahead. Also, I have now officially seen all the big Oscar films and can get my predictions for the big show up in the next few days.


At 1:55 PM, Blogger Ignatius M. Dedd said...

I look forward to your Oscar list.


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