Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

I finally took my lazy ass to the theater to see what all the fuss was about. I'm a big Eastwood fan so I had wanted to see "Million Dollar Baby" since it came out but I never got around to it. Finally curiosity and boredom got the best of me so I turned off the Grammy's and me and a buddy went to a movie. Let me start by saying, I loved this movie. All these people making a big deal about it's ending are making something out of nothing. I would even go so far as to say that "Million Dollar Baby" is the 3rd best boxing film of all time, behind of course "Rocky" and "Raging Bull". This movie is just perfectly crafted in every way, reminding us that Eastwood is one of the genius filmmakers working today. Everything about this movie works, from the acting all the way down to the sets and locations. It is a bit long and slow at times, but that's the only minor complaint I can muster. Luckily for you I can muster plenty of praise and it all starts with the acting. Hillary Swank is clearly the new Meryl Streep, she just lights up the screen here. Swank is always believable as a white trash boxers, which says a lot because most male actors are not believable as boxers. She will likely win her 2nd Oscar for this and you won't hear me complaining. Eastwood and Morgan Freeman also do great work here, even if their parts aren't quite as juicy as Swank's. Eastwood and Freeman are ultra-believable as grizzled boxing lifers and they have a wonderful chemisty together, which was very necessary for the film. I really probably could go on all day with praise for this film but I am going out of my way not to give away any of the plot. Do your self a favor and get out and see this movie before the Oscars air on Feb. 27.

Also, be on the lookout of my Academy Award winners predictions and my 2004 Cammy Award nominees being unveiled soon.


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